Editor's letter

Issue 47 • September 2024

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Australia was the world’s eighth largest copper producer in 2023, despite hosting 13% of world’s copper reserves – second only to Chile with 21%. As industry turns its attention to South Australia, an area of largely untapped resources, we explore the outlook for the red metal in the region.

In this issue, we also look at efforts to address sexual harassment in the Australian mining industry, two years on from a landmark inquiry into harassment of female fly in, fly out mine workers. What has changed? What more could be done?

Next, we evaluate the supply chain risk profiles for key energy transition minerals, including lithium and silicon, looking at the action Australia is taking to shore up its supply chains. We also review innovations in the surface equipment mining fleet in Australia, including the drive towards greater automation and electrification of vehicles.

In tech, GlobalData drills into the potential impact of robotics on mining, from heightened productivity to increased safety, and reduced costs. We also look at how the convergence of IT and OT is increasing the cyber risk in the mining industry, and the measures that can be taken to mitigate this. 

Caroline Peachey, editor