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Kolosori Project

Credit: Jeffrey Aluta Jionisi via Shutterstock

Mine Type: Open-pit nickel mine

Location: Isabel Island, Solomon Islands

Investment: $21.3m

Lifespan: Six years

The Kolosori nickel project lies in the mining license ML 02/22, which is owned by Pacific Nickel Mines Kolosori (PNMK, 80%) and traditional landowners (20%). PNMK is a subsidiary of the Australian mining company Pacific Nickel Mines.

Tujuh Bukit Project

Credit: Kaisarmuda via Shutterstock

Mine Type: Open-pit copper mine

Location: East Java Province, Indonesia

Investment: $757m

Lifespan: 30 years

The Tujuh Bukit copper project is considered to be one of the world’s largest undeveloped copper and gold projects. Merdeka Copper Gold, an Indonesia-based metal and mining company, is developing the project through its wholly owned subsidiary Bumi Suksesindo.

Bayan Khundii Project

Credit: Fixazh via Shutterstock

Mine Type: Open-pit gold mine

Location: Khundii gold district, SW Mongolia

Investment: $109m

Lifespan: Eight years

The Bayan Khundii gold project is being developed by Erdene Resource Development, a resource exploration company based in Canada. It is one of the highest-grade open-pit gold mines in the world.