Inconsistent investment: Metals and mining industry cross-border deals total $438.6m in June 2022 

The total value of cross-border deals in the metals and mining industry in June 2022 reached $438.6m, with the $161.59m acquisition of UEX the sector’s biggest investment. 

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The value marked a decrease of 95.4% over the previous month of $9.48bn and a drop of 79.3% when compared with the last 12-month average of $2.12bn. 

In terms of number of cross-border deals, the sector saw a rise of 38.89%, with 25 deals in June 2022 when compared to the last 12-month average of 18 deals. In value terms, North America led the activity, with cross border deals worth $217.11m in June 2022. 

Top cross-border deals 

The top five cross-border deals accounted for 86.2% of the overall value during June 2022. The combined value of the top five cross border deals stood at $377.88m, against the overall value of $438.6m recorded for the month. 

The top five metals and mining industry cross border deals of June 2022 tracked by GlobalData were: 

  1. Uranium Energy’s $161.59m acquisition of UEX 
  2. The $92.72m acquisition of Altus Strategies by Elemental Royalties 
  3. Stellantis’ $52.6m deal for an 8% stake in Vulcan Energy Resources 
  4. The $38.62m acquisition of Minagoldchoix by QNB Metals 
  5. Divine Token’s $32.35m acquisition of Billions Steel International 
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