As leading innovators of mining machinery, MMD have designed and manufactured the world’s first Fully Mobile Surge Loader - a revolutionary product which enables faster and more efficient loading for truck & shovel operations.

With production increases of up to 40%, this groundbreaking machine not only speeds up loading, but also reduces wear on truck bodies, as well as creating a safer working environment for truck drivers.  

- Increased production

- Shovel utilisation up to 95%

- Faster loading

- Precise payload to each truck

- Optimal truck fill factor

- Fully autonomous during operation

- Reduces mine OPEX & CAPEX

- Safer operation

- Reduces shock loading

- Reduces truck bunching

As leading innovators of mining machinery, MMD have designed and manufactured the world’s first Fully Mobile Surge Loader - a revolutionary product which enables faster and more efficient loading for truck & shovel operations.

With production increases of up to 40%, this groundbreaking machine not only speeds up loading, but also reduces wear on truck bodies, as well as creating a safer working environment for truck drivers.  

- Increased production

- Shovel utilisation up to 95%

- Faster loading

- Precise payload to each truck

- Optimal truck fill factor

- Fully autonomous during operation

- Reduces mine OPEX & CAPEX

- Safer operation

- Reduces shock loading

- Reduces truck bunching

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