Editor's letter

Issue 43 • May 2024

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Cover image: A solar farm at Rio Tinto Group's Gudai-Darri iron ore mine in Western Australia. Credit: Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg via Getty Images

In a bid to reduce its reliance on traditional fuels, the mining sector is starting to electrify its operations. Although widespread electrification of mining equipment is not expected until well into the next decade, many miners are already partnering with equipment manufacturers and integration providers on electrification projects. We look at some of the leading developments in Australia.  

Elsewhere in technology, we find out how the rapidly evolving robotics sector will change the talent requirements of the mining industry, which is facing a severe skills shortage and struggling to attract professionals, and speak to the scientists behind a breakthrough in rare earth sorting that uses engineered proteins instead of toxic chemicals.  

As the Australian mining sector continues to feel the impact of the global nickel price crash, we look at responses from industry and government and ask what the path to recovery looks like.  

We also hear from GlobalData’s analysts what the impact of the proposed BHP / Anglo American merger could be on the copper market, and which mining giants go head-to-head for iron the lead in iron ore production.

The MINE team