Issue 143 • August 2024
Going off grid
How miners are ramping up investment in on-site power
Issue 143 • August 2024
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Decentralised power is not new in the mining industry, yet it continues to be embraced by mines across the globe. We explore how investments in on-site generating capacity are ramping up at projects in the US, Europe and elsewhere, as well as the motivations of miners looking to integrate on-site renewables at a large scale.
We also examine the role of digital twins and how they are supporting a once-only imagined capability to predict breakdowns before they happen. You can also discover the results of GlobalData’s latest mine-site survey, which found predictive maintenance for mobile equipment to be a top investment priority for miners over the next two years. Plus, we look at how biofuels are acting as a transition pathway to help mines minimise emissions from off-highway fleets.
In commodities we evaluate the role of biomaterials in the graphite supply chain, discussing whether such sustainable alternatives could eventually replace mined or synthetic graphite. We also get an outlook for copper production in Peru and an overview of Sudan’s gold mining industry, which is seeking to attract investment despite ongoing conflict in the country.
Caroline Peachey, editor