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Kiaka gold

Credit: West African Resources

Producer of: Gold
Location: Burkina Faso, West Africa
Reserves: 164.1 million tonnes​​​​​​​
Mine life: 19.5 years

West African Resources holds a 90% stake in the Kiaka gold project, with the Government of Burkina Faso holding the remaining interest. The project is being developed as an open-pit mine, with an estimated annual production capacity of 258,000oz in its first five years. First production is scheduled for the third quarter of 2025.

Troilus gold-copper

Credit: Troilus Gold Corp.

Producer of: Gold/copper/silver
Location: Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada
Reserves: 380 million tonnes
Investment: $1.07bn

The Troilus gold-copper project is being developed in Quebec, Canada, by Troilus Gold, in the old Troilus mine, which was operated by Inmet Mining between 1996 to 2010. The project is estimated to have an annual production capacity of 244,600oz of gold, 17.3 million pounds of copper, and 446,700oz of silver over a 22-year operating life.

Chilalo graphite

Credit: IMX Resources

Producer of: Graphite concentrate
Location: Nachingwea, south-east Tanzania
Reserves: 8 million tonnes
Mine life: 17 years

Evolution Energy Minerals, a wholly owned subsidiary of Marvel Gold is developing the Chilalo graphite project in south-east Tanzania as an open pit mine. The project, with a projected mine life of 17 years, is estimated to contain a probable ore reserve of 8Mt grading 10.5% total graphitic carbon.

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