BioAqua Totally eradicates the causes of acidic waste water

Global Aquatica provides technology and services to clean water polluted by industry. Our first product, BioAqua, has been developed specifically for the mining sector.
BioAqua is a total solution that fully remediates acidic, sulphate, and metal contaminated water, eradicating the contamination at its source. The system produces high quality water, without imported chemicals or requiring waste to be stored.
It also delivers a cost-effective solution as the materials removed from the water may assist to reduce operating costs. BioAqua also totally eradicates the causes of acidic waste water such as tailings, acid producing waste rock and lime treatment waste sludge.
The Problem of Acid Mine Drainage
Acid mine drainage is a serious global problem. This unwelcome mining by-product produces high concentrations of sulfuric acid, iron, aluminum, arsenic, and other heavy metals, which create widespread ecological destruction, water table contamination, and infrastructure damage.
Once started, acid mine drainage is irreversible and continues until all the available minerals that fuel the process are exhausted.
This may take hundreds or thousands of years. Acid mine drainage produces significant volumes of hazardous waste that not only has a very long hazard-life, but is extremely difficult to contain. Being passionate about the health of our planet, we set out to develop a solution to the large-scale, worldwide problem of acid mine drainage.
Step 1 – Investigate
Our engineers carry out site surveys and analysis of water chemistry
Step 2 – Confirm
On-site construction of pilot plant to confirm the BioAqua waste management service
Step 3 – Design
Start with a reduced capacity full size plant to minimise initial capex
Step 4 – Build & Install
Custom manufacture (off-site) and on-site assembly of full scale operation
Step 5 – Manage
Ongoing management of the water and ensuring consistent service
Step 6 – Value Add
Eradicate the causes of the wastewater such as tailings, waste rock and lime dosing sludge which until now has been economically unviable.
A Complete Remediation Package

Global Aquatica provides a complete remediation package.
We will be delivering an end-to-end service for our customers which will involve a six step process.
Where We Work
Global Aquatica is located in Australia, where it
has developed and is successfully operating it's technology.
There are currently more than 600 mines within Australia that urgently require an acid management system and the Environmental Protection Agency estimates there are 18,000 abandoned mine sites in Australia which produce some form of acid mine drainage.
Our ambition is to expand globally where we have an opportunity to eradicate centuries of contamination.
9 Claxton Street, Adelaide SA 5000
| +61 (08) 8427 7033