Building a Progam for any Budget since 2004

Skin Patrol Services are developed and delivered by qualified healthcare professionals and aims to provide services which will lead to “early detection” of health problems, educate patients in the need for preventative healthcare, provide positive personal outcomes and at the same time give Companies a positive return on investment(ROI).

We utilize the expertise of specialist dermatologists for our skin care clinics and provide private confidential medical consultations within the workplace.

  • Providing workplace health and well being “on site solutions” increases both the awareness and the early detection of disease thereby minimizing chronic disease.
  • Consultation times in a well run “onsite” clinic should be used in an “opportunistic” way to educate workers in taking ownership of their health. Teaching the importance of building a relationship with a primary healthcare provider (General Practitioner), encouraging preventative healthcare and early detection of chronic disease.
  • Providing health examinations and review is only part of the whole picture and in many cases does not change “health behavior”. Non Changeable and Changeable risk factors are present in the majority of disease. Educating workers in firstly understanding their own set of “risks” and secondly what measures they can take to reduce their “changeable” risk factors empowers them to better healthcare and results in a healthier workforce
  • Preventative healthcare ensures we have disease risk factors checked to detect any early signs of disease which left untreated may result in chronic disease which cannot be cured and may lead to early mortality. The majority of disease detected early can be successfully treated.
  • Preventative healthcare checks are available for the top causes of Chronic Disease and early mortality in Australia

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Skin Cancer is almost totally preventable and as we know 90% of skin cancers are caused by sun exposure. However, Australia continues to have the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world.

2 in 3 Australians  will develop a skin cancer in their lifetime. These high statistics are made up of Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) , Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and Melanoma.

BCC and SCC are what we call “non melanocytic” cancers ( they have no pigment in the majority of cases) and appear in areas of our bodies which have been exposed to the sun

i.e. face, ears, scalp, chest, upper and lower arms, upper and lower legs and back.

Melanoma is a little different as in the majority of cases will develop in a “mole” that has been present for many years, a mole that may never have been exposed to the sun.

Most importantly Melanoma is no different to any other form of cancer.

Early detection of Melanoma is crucial to ensure it is removed in the early stages prior to invading other healthy tissue and cancer cells spreading to other parts of our body.

Education on the “Universal ABCDE” detection of Melanoma is invaluable to early detection.

Asymetry: A benign (healthy) mole is not Assymetrical. If you draw a line through the centre of the mole both sides will be the same meaning it is “Symetrical”

Border: A healthy mole will have a smooth even border

Colour: Most benign moles are 1 colour only – normally a shade of brown

Diameter: Benign moles usually have a smaller diameter

Evolving: Most moles look the same over time with no change


So what should be done?


  • Self Check every 3 months
  • Have a Skin Examination on a regular basis. If you are in a high risk category every twelve months is recommended
  • Make the skin examination part of your annual health check
  • If you notice a change in a mole or have a new lesion which persists make an appointment for it to be checked.

Protect yourself 365 days per year

  • Cover Up
  • Work: Wear PPE– long sleeves, hats
  • Leisure: Cover up especially your arms and legs.
  • Wear hats with brims – baseball caps afford little protection
  • Sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. Apply 20 minutes prior to going out into the sun to face, ears and areas which may be exposed. Remember to re-apply during the day

We love talking shop!

Contact us today for a no obligation chat about how Skin Patrol can assist in your OH&S needs.

Freecall 1800 103 074 or Contact Us


  • A Family history of Melanoma
  • Fair or Pale skin
  • Red Hair
  • A large number of moles
  • A history of Sunburn as a child


  • Continued sun exposure as an adult