Robotics innovation among mining industry companies has dropped off in the last three months 

Analysis of patent filings shows a shrinking level of robotics related applications in the industry over the past three months, compared to last year. 

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Research and innovation in robotics in the mining industry operations and technologies sector has declined in the last year. 

The most recent figures show that the number of robotics related patent applications in the industry stood at 24 in the three months ending June, down from 31 over the same period in 2021. 

Figures for patent grants related to robotics followed a different pattern to filings, stagnating from 19 in the three months ending June 2021 to 19 in the same period in 2022. 

The figures are compiled by GlobalData, who track patent filings and grants from official offices around the world. Using textual analysis, as well as official patent classifications, these patents are grouped into key thematic areas, and linked to key companies across various industries. 

Robotics is one of the key areas tracked by GlobalData. It has been identified as being a key disruptive force facing companies in the coming years, and is one of the areas that companies investing resources in now are expected to reap rewards from. 

The figures also provide an insight into the largest innovators in the sector. 

Honeywell International Inc was the top robotics innovator in the mining industry operations and technologies sector in the latest quarter. The company, which has its headquarters in the US, filed 15 robotics related patents in the three months ending June. That was up from 14 over the same period in 2021. 

It was followed by the US-based Caterpillar with six robotics patent applications, Sweden-based Epiroc AB (one application), and Japan-based Nippon Steel (one application). 

Honeywell International has recently ramped up research and development in robotics. It saw growth of 6.7% in related patent applications in the three months ending June compared to the same period in 2021 - the highest percentage growth out of all companies tracked with more than 10 quarterly patents in the mining industry operations and technologies sector. 

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