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October 2022

Mining is particularly vulnerable to energy colonialism, due to the fact that the location of mineral deposits is fixed, and does not conform to national borders that define the world’s haves and have-nots. With this in mind, can communities around mineral deposits ever be free from the influence of foreign powers, and how can actors across the sector balance this skewed power dynamic?


Editor | JP Casey

Writers |  Nnamdi Anyadike, Giles Crosse, Dominic Hale, Isabeau Van Halm, Heidi Vella
Magazine Designer | Ashley McPherson

Graphic Designers | Tyrrell Lowe, Anett Arc, Martina Labaiova, Noemi Balint, Will Ingham
Lead Designer | John Hammond 

Publisher | Susanne Hauner


Sales Manager | Tom McCormick

+44 (0) 207 866 9440

Cover image credit: New Africa via Shutterstock

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