Company Insight

Transforming Mining Industry with Brilliant Connected Lights by Coolon

The seamless, efficient and cost-effective way to digitize the fixed plant with Coolon Brilliant Connected Lights.

Coolon's Brilliant Connected Lights have emerged as the top choice for advanced industrial lighting, revolutionising the way mining companies operate. This comprehensive system is setting new standards with its exceptional design, earning numerous prestigious innovation awards. Its unparalleled innovation is not only enhancing efficiency in mining operations but also establishing a more connected and technologically advanced future.

Ready for a Bright Future

What sets Brilliant Connected Lights apart is their seamless installation process, allowing companies to implement the mesh network at their own pace, in stages. Unlike traditional methods requiring extensive planning and separate projects, the deployment of this system begins simply by replacing existing lights. These upgraded lights, equipped with networking nodes, automatically form clusters when they detect nearby units within a 30-meter radius. However, if a Gateway or commission procedure is not enabled, they function like conventional lights. 

The true power of the Brilliant Connected Lights emerges when the network reaches a critical density. At this stage, Coolon's expert team intervenes, introducing the Gateway and activating the network. The incredible dedication of the Coolon team is evident as they tirelessly work day and night, traveling great distances, to revolutionise the mining industry one site at a time.

Creativity in Innovation

Coolon's innovation is paving the way for smarter and more efficient mining practices. By combining advanced lighting technology with seamless connectivity, the Brilliant Connected Lights are reshaping the industry landscape and propelling it into a future where mining operations thrive on technology and progress. 

All that is needed to implement digitisation on any massive, complex mining and industrial sites is to choose Coolon’s Brilliant Connected range of lights throughout the plant. Watch this video to learn how!

Contact information

12 – 14 Austral Place
Hallam VIC 3803

Tel.: +61 3 8681 3633
