News in Numbers

4,000 tpa

The capacity of the largest ferrotungsten plant outside of China, which EQ Resources has agreed to acquire as part of its 100% acquisition of the Tungsten Metals Group.


The amount Rio Tinto is committing to rehabilitate the Ranger Project Area in Northern Territory of Australia. Rio Tinto now owns 98% of Energy Resources of Australia.


The area of the Reynolds Range lithium project, which iTech Energy is partnering with SQM Australia to develop. SQM could earn up to a 70% interest in the project’s lithium rights.


The amount of equity True North Copper has secured through a share placement. The raise will fund exploration activities at the Cloncurry copper project and Mt Oxide project in Queensland.


The number of Australian mines Greatland Gold has agreed to acquire from Newmont. The deal includes a 70% interest in the Havieron gold-copper project, plus the Telfer gold-copper mine and related assets.