News in Numbers


The first 54,380t of ore from Horizon Minerals’ Boorara gold project in Western Australia (WA) is expected to produce 1,400oz of gold after processing at Norton Gold Fields’ Paddington mill.


The amount the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) spent with suppliers in FY2024, including over A$1.6bn spent with 950 local suppliers in Queensland.


The indicated resource of heavy rare earth elements at Victory Metals’ North Stanmore project in WA. Victory recently signed a MOU with Sumitomo for a potential long-term offtake partnership.


The amount of capital Australian mining company True North Copper secured before costs by way of conditional placement. The capital was raised through two primary share issuances.

1 year

Diatreme Resources signed a MOU with Mitsui & Co to evaluate a potential offtake of silica sand from Diatreme’s North Queensland projects. The MOU will automatically renew annually.