With gold prices reaching a record high this year, we explore the gold mining industry in the world’s third-largest gold producer, Australia. We examine how the miners are reacting to the price increases, look at the Australian projects that will be coming on stream over the next few years, and discuss how industry consolidation is helping to bolster gold production in the country.

We also speak to Canada-based Fatigue Science about how wearable tools, alongside machine learning, are transforming the mining sector’s approach to worker fatigue management. Artificial intelligence is also reshaping predictive maintenance in the mining industry, helping cut costs and streamline efficiencies. We hear from Aveva, Razor Labs and others about the challenges and opportunities of rolling out predictive analytics in the sector.

Plus, as Australia’s lithium industry looks set to implement fingerprinting technology, we look at how the technique could help strengthen trade relations with companies looking to sell into the EU market. We also check out cutting-edge research that could unlock volcanic brine as a new source of critical materials, like lithium, that are needed for battery production.

Caroline Peachey, editor