Company Insight

The 50 Years Legacy of Martin’s Air Cannons


80 years after its foundation, Martin Engineering stands tall as a pioneer and a global leader.  This year, the company celebrates a significant milestone: the 50th anniversary of its groundbreaking invention – the world's first low-pressure air cannon. 

Since its inception, air cannons have revolutionized material flows in bulk processing systems, effectively eliminating problematic internal buildups and blockages. For five decades, Martin Engineering has remained at the forefront of air cannon advancements, continually innovating to enable industrial plants to operate more profitably, efficiently, and safely than ever before. 

The journey began in 1974 when Martin® introduced the world to the legendary Big Blaster® – the first low-pressure pneumatic air cannon. Conceived and developed by Carl Matson, a key member of Martin's senior team and cousin of the company's founder Edwin F. Peterson, this patented technology was a game-changer. It was designed to dislodge stubborn material adhered to the inside walls of hoppers and silos by delivering precisely timed bursts of compressed air, ensuring uninterrupted material flow and preventing the formation of serious blockages.

Caption. Credit: 

Initially targeting quarrying applications, the Big Blaster® soon found its way into a wide range of industrial settings. By the 1980s, as Martin Engineering expanded its global footprint, the air cannon was reimagined for use in high-temperature environments to maintain the flow of sticky materials and minimize unscheduled downtime. 

One of the most significant impacts of Martin's air cannons was felt in the cement industry. For the first time, these innovative devices signaled an end to the hazardous practice of manually breaking off heavy material build-ups using high-pressure water jets. This not only improved safety standards but also increased operational efficiency in cement plants worldwide.

Caption. Credit: 

Over the years, Martin Engineering's air cannons have continued to evolve, adapting to the changing needs of various industries. The Hurricane Air Cannon, for example, is widely sold - designed to deliver a high-impact burst of air with maximum force, effectively dislodging even the most stubborn material build-ups in bins, silos, and hoppers. With its robust construction and advanced engineering, the Hurricane Air Cannon ensures uninterrupted material flow, minimizing downtime and improving overall operational efficiency for industrial plants across various sectors. Today, they remain an indispensable tool in bulk material handling, ensuring smooth operations and enhancing productivity across diverse sectors.

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Martin Engineering's air cannon innovation, we honor the visionaries who paved the way for a safer, more efficient, and more profitable industrial landscape. Here's to the next 50 years of innovation and excellence!

Contact information

Martin Engineering Australia 

Tel.: +61 1300 627 364