Company Insight

Reduce handling risks with Lightweight Tray Sling Retaining Pins

How often do you consider enhancing safety practices at your mine site?

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In Western Australia's Pilbara region, a Tier 1 miner faced a significant concern while handling 12kg steel OEM tray sling retaining pins on their Caterpillar 793F haul truck fleet. The OEM's pin mass was causing difficulties for safe and easy handling. To reduce the risks to their workers, the miner reached out to Geographe for a lighter solution. They had previously collaborated with Geographe to develop a safer solution to ball stud changeouts, eliminating the need for hot works to lance out the seized ball studs with the Ball Stud Removal Tool. By once again combining their expertise and shared commitment to safety, Geographe designed the Lightweight Tray Sling Retaining Pin – a solution for easier installation and removal of tray sling retaining pins, continuing to keep maintenance teams safe.

Opportunity for improvement

A critical step in the collaboration was a thorough metallurgical analysis performed on the standard OEM pin by one of Geographe's in-house metallurgists. The challenge with the OEM pin was its mass, making it awkward to handle, lift and remove at the height required for maintenance teams. After analysis and careful consideration, Geographe opted for an alternative high-tensile material to replace the steel used in the OEM design. Changing its material offered the unique advantage of preserving strength whilst significantly reducing mass.


Prioritising safety and ergonomics

After tackling the mass challenge, Geographe decided to improve the handle design. Recognising the importance of ergonomic design to decrease instances of workers experiencing sprains and drops, Geographe's Development Team created an ergonomic removal handle that prioritised safe handling and helped reduce the risk of on-site injuries. The handle was specifically tailored to the operational requirements of the miner, providing a comfortable grip and minimising strain.


Focus on risk management and enhancing maintenance practices

The significant reduction in mass and the introduction of an ergonomic handle resulted in a substantial risk decrease of injuries during pin handling for the miner.  

This partnership between the Tier 1 miner and Geographe is another example of the impact that collaboration and innovation can have on the mining industry by making incremental safety gains through engineered solutions. After a successful trial at the Tier 1 Miner’s site, the Geographe Lightweight Tray Sling Retaining Pins was proven to be an effective solution to decrease deviation from safe working practices.  

Experiencing challenges with wear parts at your mine site? Geographe can help improve part performance!

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Contact information

480 Abernethy Road,
Kewdale WA 6105

Tel.: +61 8 9449 1111