Dias delivers unique geophysical solutions to global geoscience challenges through the application of innovative technologies. Dias offers induced polarization and resistivity survey services using our proprietary DIAS32 system, which is uniquely efficient and effective technology. Dias also provides full-tensor magnetic gradient survey services using SQUID-based sensor technology.

Our survey services:
- 3D DCIP (Resistivity and Induced Polarization)
- Magnetotelluries (MT/AMT/CSAMT)
- Airborne Full-Tensor Magnetic Gradiometry
- Airborne Passive EM/Airborne MT

Our Deliverables:
- High volume (Big) data
- State-of-the-art 3D modelling and visualization
- Access to Caravel, our cloud-based data management and visualization platform for big data

Contact Us: info@diasgeo.com
Unit 2, 3111 Miller Avenue, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 6N3
Phone: 306-700-6442
888-609 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 4W4
Toronto: 416-795-1263