Project Updates

Coka Rakita

Credit: Mark Agnor / Shutterstock

Producer of: Gold and silver​​​​​​​
Location: Eastern Serbia​​​​​​​
Reserves: 9.79 million tonnes​​​​​​​
Mine life: 10 years

The Coka Rakita project in Serbia is being developed as an underground mine by Dundee Precious Metals, a Canada-based gold mining company. The preliminary economic assessment (PEA) was completed in June 2024, with an initial capital cost projection of $381m. The project is estimated to yield 164,000oz of gold in the first five years and a further 129,000oz over its life. 

Boardwalk lithium brine

Credit: Cavan-Images / Shutterstock

Producer of: Lithium​​​​​​​
Location: Alberta, Canada​​​​​​​
Reserves: 393,000 tonnes​​​​​​​
Investment: 20 years

The Boardwalk lithium brine project is a proposed mining development in Alberta, Canada. The PEA was completed in February 2024, with an initial capital cost projection of $2.16bn for a productive lifespan of 20 years. The project is wholly owned by the Canada-based LithiumBank Resources. The project will boast a plant equipped with direct lithium extraction technology.

Wickepin kaolin

Credit: WA Kaolin

Producer of: Kaolin​​​​​​​
Location: near Perth, Western Australia​​​​​​​
Reserves: 64.9 million tonnes​​​​​​​
Mine life: 73 years

The Wickepin project is a high-grade kaolin site located 220km from Perth, Western Australia. Owned by WA Kaolin, a mineral exploration, extraction and processing company, the project is one of the largest premium primary sources of kaolin in the world. Building works at the site began in January 2021 and the mine was commissioned in September 2022.