Company Insight

Helping Mine Sites Achieve Compliance

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Erizon is an industry-leading environmental solutions provider, helping Australian mining operations maintain compliance with government regulations, and demonstrate their dedication to sustainable development for critical stakeholders.  

For over 25 years, Erizon has been providing end-to-end service for mining projects, from planning to decommissioning.  

As specialists in mine site rehabilitation, their collaborative and tailored approach sees them work closely with mine operators, and considers factors such as climatic conditions, site dimensions, soil composition, local ecosystems, and nearby communities.  

Erizon’s dust suppression, revegetation, and erosion control are key solutions designed to protect mine operators, enhance safety for mine workers, safeguard local communities, and enable them to formulate the best remediation plan, even for highly effected lands.

Erizon has recently expanded their state-of-the-art research and development centre, where environmental specialists actively review new products, technologies, and innovations.

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Are you able to explain why Erizon’s Dust suppression technologies is so distinctive to the industry and why it adheres to that?

Our Suppression technologies are quite important in terms of providing solutions against wholly collaborative approach to different tailings and site conditions. 

We provide a solution and another service providing dust monitoring, that we do via drone mapping technology, using temporary weather stations to record solution levels and we can proactively help a mine manage their internal dust management program.  

Key points we provide are instant data on demand, whilst there’s a common retry measure of 1,000,000 and past a particular size so it can't be so many past 1,000,000, 2.5 particle size, which is dangerous being absorbed blood stream of people.

Can you explain Drone monitoring technology that is unique to Erizon and how does in benefit heavy industry?

Monthly scheduled inspections where our drone pilot does inspection of the tailing stands. We then report on how we use multi vegetation to control the dust. So that is a proactive inventory and mapping of the dams to show the coverage of hydra multi. Reason is done by drone one is it is efficiency and being land based, it's quite difficult to get out to the middle of these dams and is unsafe. 

Drone Technology is quite efficient and imagery the whole area shows coverage that’s been achieved with hydro or what we call lock and obtain a dust control synopsis.  

We measure much vegetation within achieving percentage of a DAM that has been vegetated.  

It is then used as part of our clients reporting back to authority bodies to say this is program used a expertly written report.

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The mining industry in Australia is highly regulated and governed by several authorities. How is Erizon working within mining companies to provide environmental services and help companies achieve their compliance?

We are unique from other companies; we take a thorough look at the growing conditions on each site. 

In most cases, we are not trying to revegetate topsoil, it's really the case that we get vegetation to grow on good soil.  

It's a waste rating, so, the growing conditions are usually quite difficult, and my role has been to go on site, look at these conditions, take samples, look at the site conditions, assess materials, sample, and have them analyzed for all the plant growing characteristics.  

We interpret them and build in-house programs around collection of information about their site to get best results and we eliminate variables or limitations to make the sites as perfect as possible, and try to do everything we can to get the best possible results by thorough examination.  

Some things that we consider are High Salinity, highly sodic soils, poor nutrients, sometimes extremes of alkalinity and hostile weather environments.  

Difficult plant growing conditions that we can moderate and amend progressively. 

Some key conditions we consider are Hostile Winds, Natural Germination, solutions we recommend need to withstand those high risk of erosion from high strong winds, high water velocity, lack of rainfall and another one for natural termination and several other factors. 

We facilitate our expertise in all stages in the life cycle of a mine site.  

But ultimately, after commissioning when a Mine Site is no longer active and either need to relinquish, rehabilitate, or revegetate part of the site or wholly and relinquish back to its original landowners or government.

Contact information

7 Senna Road
Wingfield SA 5013

Tel.: +61 8 8451 3945
