Covid-19 briefing
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Latest update: 21 April
China leads the world in total vaccines administered, with around 3.2 billion dosages given out. China also leads the world in percentage of total population who have received one and two doses.
Gibraltar, the UAE and Malta lead the world in percentage of population fully vaccinated, with all administering vaccines to more than 95% of their populations. Gibraltar leads the world with a vaccinated percentage of 122.3% of its population.
Several US states, including New York, Connecticut and Arkansas, have seen increases of more than 20% in infections.
The average personal-social score on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire for infants born when their mothers had Covid-19 has fallen from 50.6 to 46.9.
Covid-19 death trajectories around the world

Latest update: 4 March
After passing $10,000/t in October, the copper price declined marginally over the remainder of the year, but still averaged over 50% higher in 2021 compared with 2020.
A drop in inventories has helped copper prices, which have been under pressure due to declining demand in China, with the country’s power supply crisis leading to factories being closed, thereby impacting demand, with surpluses expected.
Rising demand as the northern hemisphere entered the winter months, coupled with increasing natural gas prices and supply constraints, led to a surge in thermal coal prices in September and October.
After peaking at $269.50/t on October 5, an intervention by the Chinese Government, ordering its major miners to cut prices and increase output, led to thermal coal price dropping to $140.90/t in early November, before it recovered to $166/t in December.
The global iron ore price fell steeply in November due to steel production curbs by China as the country looked to reduce pollution and power use.
However, while port stocks continued to climb, there followed an improvement in the price in December, peaking at $113.6/t. For 2021, the average iron ore price was 52% higher than in 2020.
The gold price has fluctuated around the $1,800/oz mark for the last few months, with an increase in November due to rising inflation followed by a dip, related to the spread of the latest Covid-19 variant in December.
After reaching a six-year high of $1,325/troy oz in February, the price of platinum fell to a low of $925/troy oz in December, before recovering marginally by the end of the year. The average price of platinum was still significantly higher in 2021, compared with the prior year, at $1,098/oz, an increase of 23%.