News in Numbers


The percentage of global smelter capacity that was inactive during the first seven months of 2024, according to the latest data from Earth-i’s SAVANT Global Copper Monitoring Index.


The production capacity of Australia’s Boyne Smelters, which have recently secured economic support from Rio Tinto and the Queensland Government to safeguard operation beyond 2029.

45,000 tonnes

Estimated monthly production from Copper 360’s Rietberg mine in South Africa. Mining resumed in August, following closure in 1983.


The number of jobs Whitehaven Coal is set to cut at its Daunia and Blackwater coal mines in Australia. Whitehaven acquired the mines from the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance for $4.1bn in April.

£53 million

The value of the contract Weir Group has secured to supply grinding, separation and tailings management equipment to the Reko Diq copper-gold project in Pakistan.