Advanced Technology in lubricants for the mining industry makes all the difference!

The game changers in any operation are maximizing efficiency, maintenance cycles and equipment lifespan. No secret there. Implementing the next generation lubricants can be the difference between winning or losing.

Among the various lubricants available, those based on nanoscaled particles of Tungsten Disulfide (WS2) and Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) have emerged as superior choices for enhancing the performance of mining equipment. WS2 and hBN based lubricants offer significant advantages over traditional lubricants in terms of reducing friction and wear, while reaching higher extreme pressure load capacity. The size, shape and ability to implement the nanoparticles in a stable and consistent form is a unique advantage in a super competitive market.

The solid film created by these particles has excellent adhesion to metal surfaces, providing long-lasting protection against wear and corrosion. In the harsh and abrasive mining conditions, wear resistance is a crucial factor to prolong both machinery lifespan and maintenance downtime intervals. Moreover, being environmentally friendly is a significant and extremely important target for all operators. This technology is non-toxic and biodegradable, unlike traditional lubricants that contain harmful chemicals, hence safer for both workers and environment.

Higher productivity/profitability is the “holy grail” all mining operators strive for. However, the lubricants commonly utilized in this sector generally provide the same performance, simply because they are based on the same components.


Technology exceeds expectations

Powderful Solutions is a unique player in this market, producing stable dispersions to be used as performance enhancers in greases and oils.  

We offer you the opportunity to differentiate and gain an edge over the competition, benefiting from superior technology and decades of experience, knowledge and successful commercial use worldwide. 

  • Private Label Greases and Oils 
  • Engine and Gear Oil Top-Up Boosters 
  • Industrial Oil Additive Packages
  • Grease Additives

Our diversified product line

Technology alone doesn’t solve problems

Powderful Solutions offers a full turn-key program, uniquely designed for your needs, by formulating and producing all types of greases, tailor-maid to outperform current supply and remain price competitive!

Our supply of finished greases, already enhanced by our nanotechnology; ranging from mass-market/high-volume lubricants, all the way to specialty ultra-performance greases to fit the most demanding environments, temperatures, extreme load capacities and operation equipment.