Learn from over 300 mining and resource
experts with over 130 hours of content
Connect with
over 400 mining
companies from
around the world
showcasing their
latest discoveries
Experience cutting
edge technology and
the latest innovations
Meet the industry’s key players with over 100 hours of networking opportunities
Over 260 leading companies
will be on display across
the 12,000m2 expo floor
See the latest
equipment the
industry has
on offer

Learn from over 300 mining and resource
experts with over 130 hours of content
Connect with
over 400 mining
companies from
around the world
showcasing their
latest discoveries
Experience cutting
edge technology and
the latest innovations
Meet the industry’s key
players with over 100
hours of networking
Over 260 leading companies
will be on display across
the 12,000m2 expo floor
See the latest
equipment the
industry has
on offer