ContentsIssue 17 • May 2021In association withWhy has China turned its back on Australian coal?China's ban on Australian coal imports could be an economic crisis, or the natural end to an unsustainable trade relationshipIN DEPTHMade in Australia: why is the Pentagon investing in Australian rare earths?commentMiners continue to improve carbon emission reduction targetsBriefingIndustry newsCovid-19 briefingMining industry briefingCommentGlobal coal production is expected to rise by 3.5% in 2021Coal production from the top 10 companies is expected to increase by up to 6.6% in 2021In DepthWhen the Pilbara came to MarsThe great upskilling: Australia looks to the future of resourcesAutonomous light vehicles: how driverless technology is trickling down through Australian miningAftercare in the community, and the next chapter of JabiruIn DataIndustry key listMarket dataMacro-economic indicators02/17/2024 06:36:47
Miners continue to improve carbon emission reduction targets