In this issue

Issue 17 • May 2021

Welcome to the new edition of MINE Magazine. 

In this issue, reports from China suggest that the state has all but banned imports of Australian coal, following anti-China rhetoric from Australian politicians. The move could have disastrous impacts for Australia, with more than 70 coal-carrying ships currently stranded off the Chinese coast without a port to put into, and a trade relationship worth around $14bn a year hanging from a thread.

Also, rare earths have become a deeply politicised commodity, with the US eager to develop new sources of the rare minerals to reduce its reliance on Chinese imports. But in February, the US took an unprecedented step, going beyond simply purchasing rare earths mined from other countries, to bankrolling a rare earths refinery, to be built by Australia’s Lynas Rare Earths, in Texas. The move is the most direct example of state-level investment in rare earth projects, and could set a new standard for direct government involvement in this growing resource conflict.

Elsewhere, the small off-grid town of Jabiru in the Northern Territory previously had its power supplied by diesel generators from the nearby Ranger uranium mine, until the mine closed in January. Wary of leaving the town without power, the Northern Territory Government held a tender for providers to come up with plans to supply the town with at least 50% renewables. Energy provider EDL has won the contract and will build a hybrid solar, diesel, and battery storage project to supply the area. We look at this project and examine whether it could become a model for end-of-life mines and the communities they leave behind.

For all this and more, read on.

Callum Tyndall, editor

Go to article: Home | The end of the affairGo to article: In this issueGo to article: ContentsGo to article: Xylem Water SolutionsGo to article: SWA Water AustraliaGo to article: BriefingGo to article: Industry newsGo to article: Covid-19 executive briefing by GlobalDataGo to article: The mining industry briefingGo to article: Worley Company Insight Go to article: VEGA Australia Company InsightGo to article: VEGA AustraliaGo to article: Vocus Company Insight Go to article: Vocus GroupGo to article: CommentGo to article: Global coal production is expected to rise by 3.5% in 2021Go to article: Miners continue to improve carbon emission reduction targetsGo to article: Coal production from the top 10 companies to increase up to 6.6% in 2021Go to article: Blackwoods Company InsightGo to article: BlackwoodsGo to article: LASE Australia Insight Go to article: LASE AustraliaGo to article: Minerals Council of Australia Company InsightGo to article: In DepthGo to article: When the Pilbara came to MarsGo to article: The great upskilling: Australia looks to the future of resourcesGo to article: How driverless technology is trickling down through Australian miningGo to article: The coal war: why has China turned its back on Australian coal?Go to article: Made in Australia: why is the Pentagon investing in Australian rare earths?Go to article: Aftercare in the community, and the next chapter of JabiruGo to article: Steuler KCH Australia Company InsightGo to article: Steuler KCH Australia Go to article: SulzerGo to article: Thermo Fisher ScientificGo to article: In DataGo to article: Deals analysisGo to article: The mining industry key listGo to article: CommoditiesGo to article: Global markets and indicesGo to article:  Macro-economic indicatorsGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (page 2)Go to article: Aspect Environmental Company InsightGo to article: Aspect EnvironmentalGo to article: Hi-Vis Group Go to article: NB IndustriesGo to article: EventsGo to article: Next issueGo to article: Martin Engineering Company InsightGo to article: Martin EngineeringGo to article: Flexicon Australia Go to article: AWD Equipment Company Insight Go to article: Dieci Australia Company InsightGo to article: Alfawest Company Insight Go to article: Resource Industry Solutions