Sponsored by Martin Engineering

Belt Cleaners That Clean Better, Last Longer, Cost Less.

Appreciation of the effect of changing regulations enables mine operators to proactively assess and respond to their relative exposure. A proactive response enables the operator to retain control of change processes in advance of a regulatory direction enforcing the change, the resource demand and the timeframe.
By way of example, Aspect Environmental looks at the requirements of the NSW Mining Amendment (Standard Conditions of Mining Leases – Rehabilitation) Regulation 2020 and how operators can respond and retain process control.


ver 75 years, Martin Engineering has manufactured durable products that help our customers handle bulk materials efficiently and extremely safely.

Installing high-quality Martin® Belt Cleaners substantially improves efficiency by providing a safer environment, lower energy costs, lower material loss, reduced dust problems and longer lasting conveyor equipment.

High-performing belt cleaners keep belts clean, eliminating carryback and making conveyor systems safer and more productive. At Martin Engineering, we offer belt cleaners that work with all belt sizes and speeds, regardless of industry or type of material. We also offer belt cleaners that work in the most challenging and unique environments, such as on conveyor systems where there’s minimal space around the head pulley.

Our specialty belt cleaners include conveyor belt washing systems, brush cleaners, water cleaners and high-temperature cleaners, all engineered for challenging conditions and unusual materials. Our company is also the only conveyor belt cleaner manufacturer to design and build a custom-engineered molding machine that features computer-controlled blending dedicated solely to producing high-performance, long-wearing urethane belt cleaner blades.

Our sales champion, CleanScrape® Primary Cleaner, is installed at an angle across the discharge pulley and requires minimal space for installation. Equipped with tungsten carbide tips, it applies minimal pressure to the belt, being safe for use on mechanical splices. That is one of the features that make it the most versatile belt cleaner on the market.

Our CleanScrape® Secondary Cleaner is an all stainless steel assembly featuring independent 6-inch wide blades with carbide tips. Each tip is supported on spring-loaded arms at both ends. The load springs allow independent blade rotation back and forward as well as up and down. This range of motion provides equal load pressure across each blade, absorbs obstructions, conforms to ever-changing belt undulations, and is able to arc safely in the event of reversing belt direction or belt rollback.

Our products and solutions are the best in the world atkeeping belts clean and minimizing carryback, making transfer points more efficient, managing fugitive dust and preventing obstructions in material flow. All this with affordable prices, without losing the quality and maximum efficiency that our products offer.

Contact information

Martin Engineering Australia
20 Ern Harley Drive
Burleigh Heads, QLD 422



Tel: +61 7 5522 0841

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