Global markets and indices

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Risers and fallers (change on one month)











Hong Kong













Euro Area

Global overview

CountryIndexLatest as of 30/09/2020% change on one month% change since 31/12/2019
North America

USS&P 500 (SPX)3,363.00-3.924.09
USNASDAQ Composite (IXIC)11,167.51-5.1624.46
CanadaS&P/TSX Composite (GSPTSE)16,121.38-2.38-5.52
MexicoS&P/BMV IPC (MXX)37,458.691.68-13.97

UKFTSE 100 (FTSE)5,866.10-1.63-22.23
Euro AreaEuro Stoxx 50 (STOXX50E)3,193.61-2.41-14.73
FranceCAC 40 (FCHI)4,803.44-2.91-19.65
GermanyDAX (GDAXI)12,760.73-1.43-3.69
ItalyFTSE MIB19,015.27-3.15-19.11
NetherlandsAEX (AEX)547.70-0.27-9.41
SpainIBEX 35 (IBEX)6,716.60-3.63-29.66
PolandWIG (WIG)49,411.53-4.30-14.56
RussiaRTSI (IRTS)1,178.51-6.36-23.91
SwitzerlandSMI (SSMI)10,187.000.51-4.05
Asia Pacific

ChinaShanghai Composite (SSEC)3,218.05-5.235.51
ChinaSZSE Component (SZI)12,907.45-6.1823.74
JapanNikkei 225 (N225)23,185.120.20-1.99
JapanTOPIX (TOPX)1,625.490.45-5.57
AustraliaASX All Ordinaries (AORD)6,009.34-3.79-11.66
Hong KongHang Seng (HSI)23,459.05-6.82-16.78
IndiaBSE Sensex 30 (BSESN)38,067.93-1.45-7.72
IndonesiaJakarta Stock Exchange Composite (JKSE)4,870.04-7.03-22.69
MalaysiaFTSE Malaysia KLCI (KLSE)1,504.82-1.34-5.28
PakistanKarachi 100 (KSE)40,571.48-1.31-0.40
SingaporeFTSE Straits Times Singapore (STI)2,466.62-2.60-23.46
South KoreaKOSPI (KS11)2,327.890.075.93
TaiwanTaiwan Weighted (TWII)12,515.61-0.604.32
ThailandSET Index (SETI)1,237.04-5.62-21.70
South America

ArgentinaS&P Merval (MERV)39,917.47-11.90-1.14
BrazilBovespa (BVSP)94,603.40-4.80-18.20
Middle East and Africa

EgyptEGX 30 (EGX30)10,989.27-3.31-21.29
IsraelTA 125 (TA125)1,345.44-5.46-16.78
Saudi ArabiaTadawul All Share (TASI)8,299.084.51-1.07
South AfricaFTSE/JSE All Share (JALSH)54,264.96-2.18-4.94
TurkeyBIST 100 (XU100)114,524.006.180.09

GlobalMSCI World Index (MXWO)2,367.27-3.590.37
Emerging MarketsMSCI Emerging Markets Index (MXEF)1,082.00-1.77-2.93

Note: Indices in local currencies, except RTSI which considered in US$ terms. Source: Data compiled by GlobalData sourcing from respective stock exchanges.

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