Control Weighing With a

Mobile Device

Maximise Weighbridge Throughput and Safety

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METTLER TOLEDO is the premier provider of weighing equipment and services to the Australian mining industry. Put the right products, leading expertise and a global network to work at your site.

The new DataBridge™ Express ‘Bring-Your-Own’ mobile application allows truck drivers to process their own weighing transactions using a mobile app on a smart phone or other mobile device. It provides convenience and automation to improve throughput and reduce costs.

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Increase Throughput and Safety of Truck Operations

  • The driver does not need to exit the truck to complete the transaction
  • Enable social distancing
  • Reduce transaction times to increase throughput by up to 30%
  • Personalised identification provides secure communication (SSL) with mobile devices and prevents fraud

Reduce Cost of Labour and Operations

  • Reduce cost by eliminating the need to staff the scale house operations
  • Allow for 24 hour, 7 days a week operation
  • Basic and advanced options provide pricing flexibility, traffic workflow, and anti-cheating capability
  • Integrates with DataBridge™ MS Scale Management Software to automate your entire weighbridge operation

Optional Accessories and Related Products

  • The driver does not need to exit the truck to complete the transaction
  • Enable social distancing
  • Reduce transaction times to increase throughput by up to 30%
  • Personalised identification provides secure communication (SSL) with mobile devices and prevents fraud

Click Here to Find Out More

Weigh Modules for Conveyors and Tank Weighing

METTLER TOLEDO also offers a full range of robust precision load cells, weighing sensors and weighing modules, which enable the safe conversion of a conveyor system or tanks into a scale for the mining industry.

Click Here to Find Out More

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