Multotec’s local investment in Australian infrastructure proves to be invaluable in supporting our customers and new world class projects.

“Meeting the demands of mining now and in the future through local investment in capacity”

The unprecedented challenges experienced through 2020, to safely deliver a reliable supply of high-quality products and services, have supported the vision and commitment of Multotec’s shareholders to the Australian mining industry. Investments of over $20M to increase the local manufacturing and service operations in Brisbane and Perth have proven invaluable in ensuring Multotec met customers shutdown and operational requirements this year. The larger modern facilities also allowed Covid-Safe plans to be implemented with minimal delays and maximum staff and visitor safety, something that would have been more challenging in the past for Multotec.

Often optimum solutions require the capacity to rapidly develop innovations and deliver these cost-effectively in a compressed timeframe. Matching advanced manufacturing technologies, local manufacturing and tooling capability and partnering with a strong Australian supply network ensures these solutions can be delivered reliably.

About Us

With 147 permanent staff and approximately 80 contract staff spread across Australia (>70% being mobile site service and technical staff) Multotec have developed into a key supplier within the mining industry. Multotec operates within Australia with a head office in Brisbane which is also the location of a 5000m² manufacturing facility with branches offering real time technical support, distribution and services in Perth, Newman, Mackay and Newcastle.

“Australian made solutions

tailored to individual customer needs”

Our Australia operation includes 5 Senior Process engineers, 8 Mechanical and Structural engineers along with a variety of engineering trades and other skill sets. This is also backed by a global support team in South Africa, China, Canada and South America.

Multotec’s advanced manufacturing capabilities include world leading technology in injection moulded rubber and TPU Polyurethanes, quality assurance and testing laboratory and virtual design space. With a new onsite pilot plant in Brisbane augmenting the global pilot plants, Multotec’s commitment to research and development projects ensures the future needs of its valued customers are met, before they are needed. Such was the case in the development of the TP panel with significantly increased open areas, wear indicators for simplified maintenance, intelligent wear and roping monitoring of cyclones, where Multotec’s technical teams spends quality time on mine sites working closely with the customer to understand their future needs.

What we offer

Multotec’s team of process, material and mechanical engineers have a strong understanding of the mining processes, especially in the field of dense medium separation. Multotec designs and manufactures it’s own products and has several patents for its screen media and process equipment. Multotec’s dedicated staff intimately engaged in each step of the process from conceptual design to final commissioning to ensure optimum performance and delivering maximum client value.

Multotec DMS cyclones have proven to be the gold standard over many years and coupling this with intimate screen media knowledge and capabilities, Multotec is uniquely positioned to provide a holistic solution to your Dense Medium circuit requirements.

  • Screen media (all polymers and metals)
  • Mill and Scrubber Linings (rubber, composite and steel)
  • Cyclones in dense media and classification duties
  • Gravity concentration spirals
  • Samplers in a variety of primary, secondary and combination configurations
  • Magnetic separation (LIMS, WIMS, HIMS and Cross Belt)
  • Value add ceramic wear protection and engineered alumina tiles
  • Centrifuges
  • Screen machines

Multotec operates globally with main offices in Johannesburg (South Africa), Santiago (Chile), Edmonton (Canada), Lethlakane (Botswana) as well as Brisbane and employs approximately 3,000 people. The overall group structure includes the companies of Siebtechnik Tema, Steinhaus, Hein Lehmann, Isenmann and Tema Process who are all respected around the world as providing mineral processing excellence.

Why us

The establishment of Multotec operations in Australia in 2002 to support local mining customers’ requirements with local solutions has enabled the rapid growth of the Multotec brand. With strong local manufacturing capability and capacity coupled with supply from South Africa, USA, Chile, Europe and our Australasian operations, Multotec delivers high quality, innovative solutions competitively.

Multotec truly believes the increased process performance gained from local custom developed solutions, truly deliver tangible value to their customers. Multotec’s history over the last 18 years of building strong long-lasting relationships with over 250 mines, quarries and engineering houses in Australia, validate the benefit of partnering with Multotec for your process needs.

“Australian made solutions

tailored to individual customer needs”

For more information on Multotec Australia please visit our Website or contact our branches in Brisbane, Perth, Mackay, Emerald, Newcastle or Newman.

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