In this issue

Issue 14 • November 2020

Welcome to the new edition of MINE Australia. 

We've put together a new look for the magazine, with a new structure that should hopefully enhance your reading experience. What's not changing is our commitment to bringing you top quality coverage of the mining industry, along with new analysis and insight from GlobalData.

In this issue, the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia recently raised concerns that an additional 8,000 skilled workers will be needed over the next 12-18 months. We ask how the state will meet these demands, and whether it can be done locally.

Also, a recent report from the University of Sydney has shown that Australian copper mining operations could reduce their carbon emissions to zero within the next 30 years. While copper as a commodity is essential to much of green energy tech, the production of the mineral itself is carbon intensive and could prove to be a barrier to countries achieving the terms of the Paris Agreement if not addressed.

Elsewhere, figures from the Australian Government’s Resources Energy Quarterly report show that iron ore recently became the first commodity to exceed A$100bn in export value. Always an important commodity due to its application in steel, iron ore has exploded in value over recent years, thanks in no small part to rapid growth in China's economy. We map the key developments in iron ore's value.

For all this and more, read on.

Callum Tyndall, editor

Go to article: Home | Journey to the westGo to article: In this issueGo to article: Aspect Environmental Company InsightGo to article: Aspect EnvironmentalGo to article: ContentsGo to article: BriefingGo to article: Industry newsGo to article: The mining industry briefingGo to article: Covid-19 executive briefing by GlobalDataGo to article: Xylem Water SolutionsGo to article: OmnidexCN Company Insight Go to article: OmnidexCN Go to article: Milwaukee Go to article: METTLER TOLEDO Company Insight Go to article: METTLER TOLEDOGo to article: Metslurry EngineeringGo to article: CommentGo to article: Q&A: Inside the latest generation of the Large Open Pit ProjectGo to article: Covid-19 lockdowns drive drop in global gold outputGo to article: Q2 output from ten leading copper miners declined collectively by 3.7% y-o-yGo to article: Bolle Safety Company InsightGo to article: Bollé SafetyGo to article: VEGA Australia Company InsightGo to article: VEGA AustraliaGo to article: AVEVAGo to article: Thermo Fisher ScientificGo to article: In DepthGo to article: Navigating a hard border: spotlight on mining in Western AustraliaGo to article: Could zero-emission copper mines be around the corner?Go to article: The sum of all fears: Covid-19 and risk management in miningGo to article: Steady on: how Australian mining is navigating uncertain times Go to article: The man, the myth, the dinosaur theme park: mining magnate Clive PalmerGo to article: Agnew gold mine: a vision for green power at mines?Go to article: Australian iron ore at A$100bnGo to article: Atlas CopcoGo to article: Bluebox Solutions Company InsightGo to article: Bluebox Solutions Go to article: Steuler KCH Australia Company InsightGo to article: Steuler KCH Australia Go to article: In DataGo to article: Deals analysisGo to article: The mining industry key listGo to article: Global markets and indicesGo to article:  Macro-economic indicatorsGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (page 2)Go to article: EventsGo to article: Next issueGo to article: CleenSonicGo to article: GEOHEXGo to article: LASEGo to article: East West LightingGo to article: Subrosa Secure CommunicationsGo to article: Pioneer PumpGo to article: Skin Patrol Go to article: Soto ConsultingGo to article: MultotecGo to article: Martin EngineeringGo to article: Powersafe ProductsGo to article: United Fuel InjectionGo to article: DXTA PtyGo to article: Vocus GroupGo to article: FLIR Systems Company InsightGo to article: FLIR SystemsGo to article: EcoSoft Water