VEGAPULS 69 Instrument platform plics®

Reliable, cost effective and interactive measurement across all areas of mining and processing of building materials.

VEGA Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 2 95426662

VEGA for many years has been providing robust measurement technology in all areas of mining and processing of building materials.

VEGA sensors are reliable measurements of contents, from silos of rocks to fine gypsum to asphalt enabling optimal production.

The robust sensor design of the VEGA measuring equipments can withstand the harsh

operating conditions common in building materials ensuring a long service quality and return on investment.

VEGA Instrument platform plics® − easy is better

  • Assembled from prefabricated components; modular design allows full flexibility when selecting the required sensor features; cost-effective throughout their entire life cycle.

  • Display and adjustment module PLICSCOM is used for measured value indication, adjustment and diagnosis directly on the sensor; simple menu structure enables quick setup; status messages are displayed in plain text. Optional Bluetooth feature allows wireless operation.

  • VEGACONNECT connects your instrument to a PC via the USB interface. PLICSCOM with Bluetooth enables data transfer with wireless technology; instruments are configured with software PACTware and the appropriate DTM or with an app on a smartphone or tablet PC. For EDD-based systems we also offer graphics-driven EDDs.

  • Integrated self-monitoring function of plics® instruments informs the user on the status of the instruments; status messages allow proactive and cost-effective maintenance; all diagnostic data can be called up easily and quickly in plaintext via the built-in memory functions.

Should you require further information or a demonstration of these units then please feel free to contact us.

VEGA Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 2 95426662

VEGAPULS 69 Instrument platform plics®

Reliable, cost effective and interactive measurement across all areas of mining and processing of building materials.

VEGA Australia Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 2 95426662

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