Preventative Healthcare  - Testing and Education for Chronic Disease     

Over 250,000 patients checked since 2004

PREVENTATIVE HEALTHCAREstarts when we are young 

Preventative healthcare ensures we have disease risk factors checked to detect any early sign of disease which left untreated may result in chronic disease. Chronic disease cannot be cured and may lead to early mortality. The majority of disease detected early can be successfully treated

WHO AM I  I do not discriminate between age or gender – I am your path to Chronic Disease

  • Understand me and your path 
  • Check your risk factors
  • Interrupt your risk factors with simple lifestyle changes and testing
  • Prevent your risk of early mortality and chronic disease

I AM HEALTHY AND FIT – Let’s make certain you are. Early disease is silent and many do not have any signs or symptoms until well into the disease


Cardio Vascular Disease

Cancer Bowel, Prostate, Breast, Melanoma

Mental Health

Lung Disease



Having risk factors increases the chance of you developing a chronic condition. Changing the risk factors you do have control over can help you prevent some chronic conditions

Risk factors fall into 2 main groups:

  1. Modifiable: Ones you can change (for example, smoking, drinking, being overweight, not being physically active)
  2. Non Modifiable: Ones you can’t change (for example, age, gender, genes you’ve inherited)


Since 2004 Skin Patrol has been providing national workplace health and well being on site solutions.  

Providing health examinations and review results in early detection however, it is only part of the whole picture and in many cases  does not change “health behavior”. Educating workers in firstly understanding their own set of “risks” and secondly what measures they can take to reduce their “changeable” risk factors empowers them to better healthcare and results in a healthier workforce and importantly an  increased  ROI

OUR SERVICES  ​​​​​​​Building a program for every budget

Skin Cancer Clinics - Skin Cancer risks, Melanoma and non melanoma Skin Cancer detection

Skin Cancer Vouchers - redeemable at affiliated clinics nationally

Skin Patrol/ First Check dyplens (skinscope) enables an employee to photograph a lesion of concern on their smartphone and upload via the    App and have a result/diagnosis within 24 hrs                 

Preventative Healthcare Clinics - Cardio Vascular risk factors, Blood Cholesterol, blood Pressure, BMI, Blood Glucose and Vision Testing.  K10 Mental Health Assessment.

Immunisation - Influenza vaccination Program  - April – July each year

We are pleased to announce our 2 new working partnerships

“The cost of mental ill-health to Australian companies is almost $49 Billion per annum, and when the impact on productivity and absenteeism is averaged across all employed people, it amounts to $2,100 per person, per year. Corporate Australia now recognises that a proactive, preventive approach to mental health is essential.”


Corporate Bowel Cancer Education and Testing

If detected early, 99% of bowel cancers can be successfully treated or prevented. However, many Australian’s still don’t know how to take preventative steps to eliminate bowel cancer.

Jodi Lee Foundation Workplace Program gives you the opportunity to educate your staff about the steps everyone can take to prevent bowel cancer and lead healthy lives. More than 98% of participants say they would recommend the program to others.


  • A Family history of Melanoma
  • Fair or Pale skin
  • Red Hair
  • A large number of moles
  • A history of Sunburn as a child


  • Continued sun exposure as an adult

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