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The Australian mining sector calls for Omnichannel Manufacturing

With the global economy downturn and geopolitical turbulence in mind, Australian mining businesses need to address supply chain issues while being acutely conscious of the costs in order to stay competitive. Omnichannel Manufacturing may be the solution to ensure quality, availability and cost-effectiveness for mining equipment production.


ed by professional engineers and industry experts, the Omnidex Group has been servicing the Australian mining sector for over 17 years. Omnidex strives to provide better and more cost-effective solutions to meet the requirements of the constantly evolving mining industry. As a full-service manufacturing and engineering service provider, the company has pioneered the Omnichannel Manufacturing method, a tried and trusted formula to produce high quality mining equipment for many long-lasting customers in Australia.

What is Omnichannel Manufacturing?

While most service providers can only offer one or a few areas of expertise, and have a hard limit in terms of production capacity, Omnidex elevates the standard of manufacturing solutions to the next level. Omnidex has their facilities strategically located in Scotland and South-East Asia to service their global customer base, and can expand their capabilities through a sub-contracting network of over 200 manufacturing providers when needed. This formula enables the company to offer an impressive 73 different manufacturing processes at the highest industry standards, with an unparalleled capacity to handle the most demanding projects.

Communication is another keystone in Omnichannel Manufacturing, as each project may involve several parties from different regions. While all communications in Omnidex are based on English, the team is well-prepared to work with non-English speaking customers and sub-contractors. Their multi-lingual Project Management Team breaches the language barrier for our customers and ensure everyone is on the same page.

As a full-service Omnichannel Manufacturing company, Omnidex has a talented engineering team of specialists in production planning, product design and development, bringing the most ambitious projects into reality. As a company that has been ISO 9001 certified for more than 10 years, Omnidex have a series of stringent QC processes to ensure products quality. All production is supervised and quality-checked by in-house professional engineers and QC specialists. QA and QC services for external projects are also available.

Omnichannel Manufacturing solutions are highly flexible, enabling multiple project routes for single-run or mass production, prototyping and product development with faster turnaround time. Mining businesses working with Omnidex can easily build up a more cost-effective supply chain, without the need of their own production line.

Quality manufacturing engineered for mining operations

Even the smallest defect in a mining product can lead to unexpected project downtime, heavy financial lost, damage in brand reputation and even casualties. At Omnidex, quality is the first priority. When an order is accepted by the company, it means that they have full confidence in meeting the quality requirement specified for the project with a money-back guarantee. Their commitment to quality has made them the top partner of our many long-standing Australian mining customers.

Omnidex specializes in porosity-free Sand Casting, Die Casting, Investment Casting, Permanent Mold Casting, Lost Foam Casting and Shell Mold Casting, as well as precision CNC metal profiling and a whole array of fabrication processes. We can design and manufacture rock crushers, washing equipment, filtration units, and stainless-steel housings and much more to the satisfaction of leading mining corporates and equipment manufacturers in Australia.

Neil Hunt, Managing Director Asia Pac McLanahan Australia “For 5 consecutive years Omnidex has been less of a supplier, but more of a business partner.”

Ken McCulloch, Executive Director McCullochs Hydraulic Engineers, Australia “McCullochs are proud to have Omnidex as a key partner in our project supply chain and recommend them as a highly reliable supplier of beautifully engineered and quality manufactured products.”

Looking into the future of the Australian mining market

Value added by the Australian mining industry has been on the rise in the past few years, amounted to approximately 187 billion Australian dollars in 2019. Omnidex has been working with numerous companies in the Australian mining sector for many years, and is confident that Australia will continue to be a major market in the coming years, with ever more growing opportunities on the horizon.

Contact information

Omnidex Mining



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